Some years ago, I created the WiseReader domain (.com, .org, .net, .ca). I developed the WiseReader website and operated it for many years. It was mainly aimed at short reviews of books I found interesting and worth recommending (or otherwise!) to others. Along the way, I began posting articles on biblical and theological themes, and occasionally wrote about cultural challenges facing Christians who desired to faithfully live out their beliefs and convictions.
As those of you who followed my blog know, I haven’t posted anything there for many months. Frankly, I found it increasingly onerous and expensive to stay ahead of necessary upgrades and security issues around operating a successful and secure website. It seemed that maintaining the site overtook the time I needed to write about books, theology and challenges to living faithfully as a Christian in an increasingly secular society.
I realized the site had become a poor investment in both time and money. I was delighted to learn of Substack when I received and invitation from Dr. Michael Haykin to subscribe to his Substack newsletter, Historia Ecclesiastica. He has both a free subscription and a paid subscription. If you love history, especially the history of the Christian faith, you will enjoy this newsletter.
In discovering Substack, I found an opportunity to direct my energies toward writing without being encumbered with the duties of keeping a website secure and operational.
I look forward to sharing with you my love of books (old and new), of biblical and theological themes, and how both will inform your view of the world in which we live.
Please subscribe to my free newsletter, and join me in a journey of reading, reflecting and responding.