I have always loved books. As a child, I would hide under my bed covers at night with a flashlight reading Hardy Boys mysteries, or whatever else I could lay my hands on. My love for the printed page carried on into adulthood. I always have a book or two on the go along with journals and magazines.
My life’s vocation as a preaching pastor meant that I was always connecting with the written page, beginning with the Bible and expanding to several thousand books in my personal library - commentaries, systematic and biblical theologies, history, biographies and Christian ethics, to name a few. And in later years, I embraced the digital world through an amazing Bible software program called Logos, though I still retain a strong preference for a traditional printed book.
I’ve enjoyed reading books for work, life-long learning, and sheer pleasure. Along the way, I began doing short book reviews for various publications. I even enjoyed a two year stint as book review editor for a Canadian Christian publication.
Around the outset of the corona-virus pandemic, a friend and colleague in pastoral ministry asked if I would read a book he was writing. Over those months, I read chapters as he wrote them, providing feedback. It was an enjoyable exercise to watch the birth of a book. And much to my surprise, as the project neared completion, he asked if I would write the Foreword. I gladly accepted - it was an honor for me.
An Introduction the Early Church History: The First 500 Years provides a window into the opening centuries of the New Testament church. Understanding the Christian church of today begins by understand it formative years.
What follows below is a slightly edited Foreword I wrote for the book. I hope it serves as a delightful hor d’oeuvre, prompting a deeper dive into the text itself.
Introduction to Early Church History: The First 500 Years
Perry Edwards
Wipf and Stock Publishers, 2023
ISBN: 978-1-6667-5520-6 (Paperback)
ISBN: 978-1-6667-5521-3 (Hardcover)
ISBN: 978-1-6667-5522-0 (Ebook)
One of my first memories of Perry Edwards is of him seated at a desk in a Toronto hotel room poring over Hebrew grammar for a course he was taking at Toronto Baptist Seminary. It is memorable because we were attending the annual conference of the Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Church in Canada, the family of churches in which we were both serving as senior pastors. These annual conferences were times for reconnecting with friends and colleagues, for fun and fellowship, as well as conducting the business of our denomination. But here was Pastor Edwards, alone in his room, studying. It is a memory that has proven to be indicative of the man he has become – a lifelong learner with a passion to pour into the lives of others what God is teaching him.
Over the course of our twenty-plus year friendship, Perry has been a diligent student of biblical studies, theology, and the history of the Christian church. And in addition to faithfully shepherding congregations in the Canadian provinces of Ontario and New Brunswick, he has taught both experienced and fledgling pastors in several countries of the majority world through Carey International Pastoral Training program of Carey Outreach Ministries.
This book you hold in your hands is the culmination of years of personal study, reflection, and teaching on the first five centuries of the Christian church. Written primarily as a text for his course in early church history, this book is a valuable resource for anyone desiring to understand how the first five hundred years of the New Testament church’s development informs and influence the church of today.
Many Christians think that all they need for effective Christian living is the Bible alone. Pastor Edwards confronts that thinking in the opening paragraphs of the book, reminding readers that while “the Bible is our final source of faith and practice, it is impossible to adequately understand Christian theology and Christian experience if we are ignorant of our Christian heritage.” He provides six reasons why every Christian should be aware of the history of the Christian church. Don’t skip the Introduction!
Early church history is filled with fascinating accounts of both strong and weak personalities. You will witness lively theological debate, along with political intrigue. Through it all you will see the mystery of God’s providence at work, defeating Satan’s destructive attacks and preserving the church through the centuries. You will discover the roots of early creeds and confessions and come to recognize that contemporary expressions of faulty theology have their roots in ancient heresies. You will learn how doctrines like the trinity, the deity of Christ, and the inspiration of Scripture were developed.
As you see God’s hand at work, preserving and guiding his church in ancient times, you will be encouraged to emulate the faithful and courageous lives of those who came before us. You will grow in appreciation for the rich and glorious heritage you have in the universal church of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
Hi David ... I read over the two short entries on your substack account and felt a little bit sad that I missed your website from years past. I'm pretty sure I would have found your book reviews interesting.
Although I don't have your background, I do recall a historical Jesus movement from the 1980s / 1990s that resulted in a number of books being published. I found many of them interesting and I still try and keep my eyes open for interesting titles.
Lol. Flashlight under covers reading Hardy Boys… that was me too… and I thought it was our love of Coca-Cola that brought us together in ministry years ago!